International Year of Caves and Karst (IYCK) Competition
The International Year of Caves and Karst (IYCK) Competition was conducted in 2021 and sponsored by Dubbo Regional Council,
Wellington Caves, the Australian Speleological Federation (ASF), the New Zealand Speleological Society (NZSS),
the Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association (ACKMA) and Ledlenser.
Below are the Stories and Poems submitted for the Competition. Click on the page links below to view each individual entry.
Stories and Poems Author: Bella Koroni Title: She Lives There Bella Koroni - She Lives There She lives in there, the darkness. She lay sprawled out in its depths and curled so tight in chasms, chambers and tunnels so dense that not even a knife could cut through the black to revel the intricate details that she has hidden. She stands behind the crystal pillars and plays at the bottom of the lake, providing shadowy haven for those born without eyes. She looms over you, her cold breath on your neck and her arms wrapping tightly around you, engulfing you in her murky blanket. Still and silent you stand letting the uneasy feel of the unknown wash over you until the fear of what might lie in wait there hidden by her inky coat sets in, sending lines of electric panic through your body down to your fingertips that fumble for you torch. Pulling it out of its sheaf you use it as your sword to slay the beast of unease that surrounds you. And like a child running from the tide, she rushes back, from the light the pours from your hand dripping onto the floor. Her somber eyes lingering on you for a moment before she leaves you alone in the peace of your light and your freedom to explore the cave that you stand inside in all its magnificence.Author: Deborah Henley Title: Dark and Mysterious Deborah Henley - Dark and Mysterious If two stalagmites had a conversation, what would they say? I explored this in my short story. I hope it encourages audiences to be brave and go explore a cave.Author: Aanika Ganglani Title: My cave Aanika Ganglani - My cave Author: Gregory North Title: Deepens with the years Gregory North - Deepens with the years Introduced to caves as a child, I have explored, guided and toured many caves in Australasia and in other parts of the world. They are such fascinating places with no two the same. The variety and grandeur are often overwhelming and the idea that speleothems are created in total darkness still captivates me. The need for more exploration, study and conservation are also important. I wanted to convey these ideas in my poem and encourage others to experience what I have enjoyed.Author: Edwin Scanlan Title: My Cave Senses Edwin Scanlan - My Cave Senses The actual theme of caves inspired me to write this poem. I find caves quite interesting to think about. They take thousands of years to form and have extraordinary naturally formed rocks.Author: Esther Li Title: Jenolan caves Esther Li - Jenolan caves I was inspired to write about the Jenolan Caves after visiting with my family for a holiday. I loved the different rock formations, the subtle colours, and I felt connected with the core of nature deep within the Earth. I especially loved the sounds of the caves, the echoes and the whispers, which I felt I could portray best through poetry techniques such as repetition and sibilance. Overall, writing this poem rekindled my passion for the beauty of caves!Author: Gregory Joass Title: What's in a cave Gregory Joass - What's in a cave I had the chance to join a newly formed speleological group when I was a student in Sydney, back in the 1970's. I attended their second ever meeting and their first caving trip. I also attended a lot of training sessions with them as they took it seriously and weren't just doing it for a few thrills. Their ambition was too eventually attain a standard similar to Sydney Uni, which was the 'gold standard' at the time for caving groups in NSW. They did a lot of the exploring and mapping of cave systems and most of the cave rescues. Unfortunately I finished my studies and moved interstate chasing work before we ever got anywhere near their standard, but along the way I got to see a lot of unique caves and developed a fascination with them, despite a few minor hiccups as mentioned in my poem.
A few years back I heard a fellow in a car park at a tourist cave say that "If you've seen one cave, then you've seen them all". I thought at the time, and still think, he couldn't be more wrong. In my time I've seen a huge variety, starting when I was a kid and used to explore the rock overhangs, which we called 'the caves', on the plateau above where I lived. Once I could drive I also used to visit the 'Hole in the wall', which was not too far away, on Sydney's northern beaches. I've explored limestone caves all over Australia and can never see too many of the beautiful formations. I am particularly blessed here in SW Western Australia.
Amongst may others we have the second longest straw in Australia in the Jewel cave and the best helectites I've ever seen in Yallingup cave. I've also attended concerts in Yallingup cave. I've been in the lava tunnels at Undarra and Mt Eccles and seen the amazing collapse structures in Mt Gambier. I've seen the glow worms in Tunnel Creek and learnt the value of silence if you want them to light up. I've helped search for fossils at Mt Fairey, with paleontologists from the Australian Museum and more recently have helped safeguard archeologists exploring heritage caves in the Pilbarra region of WA. And yet for all that, I feel I've barely scratched the surface.
I am happy to say that I even have a cave of sorts, of my own, on the bush block where I now live. It doesn't get much better than that!Author: Abby Tan Title: Hastings cave Abby Tan - Hastings cave Author: Amelia Chalke Title: Empty cave Amelia Chalke - Empty cave Author: Bella Kotroni Title: She Lives There Bella Kotroni - She Lives There Author: Elaina Nathan Title: Caves Elaina Nathan - Caves Author: India Green Title: Inside the under India Green - Inside the under Author: Lilly Wells Title: Underground Mansion Lilly Wells - Underground Mansion Author: Olivia Daws Title: City of stalagmites Olivia Daws - City of stalagmites Author: Samia Kabalan Title: Cave Samia Kabalan - Cave Author: Sofia Karakazova Title: A Hidden Mystery Sofia Karakazova - A Hidden Mystery This high school (Name Withheld) excursion (14 year olds) to Hastings cave Tasmania, inspired the teacher Adriene Eberhard, to ask the class to be creative and write and to submit for this competition.Author: Tzariellah Snjezana Title: Heart of the Mountain Tzariellah Snjezana - Heart of the Mountain Copyright: Tzariellah Snjezana (Author) 04/09/2021 C/O Snjezana Baudille Created upon the land of Dharug peoples. I give thanks. I write under the name: Tzariellah Snjezana
I was inspired by my last visit to Jenolan, where I got to explore, where others have walked before, and then pondered on their creation, time, and that we are fleeting visitors in the silent caves. It is a space, a different world.
A world that is created with or without the witness of a human that may or may not know or even appreciate the finite purpose and experience of --------- Beauty.
Author: Helen Lee Title: Karst amongst the chamber Helen Lee - Karst amongst the chamber Author: John Oxley Title: An Imaginary Trip Report John Oxley - An Imaginary Trip Report "An Imaginary Trip Report" came out of my experiences exploring the Tasmanian bush and caves.
There were once many small scale mining operations around Tasmania where determined men and women extracted tin, osmiridium, gold and other minerals. Some of these places are partially preserved while most are being reclaimed by the bush. Searching out and rediscovering these sites today fires the imagination.
Searching for, or just walking to caves in some parts of Tasmania can be both challenging and rewarding. Trips may involve negotiating untouched ancient eucalypt forests with sections of beautiful rainforest, gushing creeks and impenetrable horizontal scrub. I sometimes feel I shouldn't be surprised to catch a glimpse of a Tasmanian Tiger slink off into the scrub as I pass.
Of course some of Tasmania's caves are well known for their spectacular chambers and speleothems. As cavers we dream of finding more such amazing caverns or the 'master cave'.
In "An Imaginary Trip Report" I've allowed myself to experience a little of all of this.
John Oxley. August 2021Author: Jeanette Dunkley Title: Muddy, Muddy, Muddy Jeanette Dunkley - Muddy, Muddy, Muddy Parody of a song whose words have a similar sound to Muddy, Muddy, Muddy. The technique used is to stay as close to the original song as possible.Author: Karen Lethlean Title: Going Back Karen Lethlean - Going Back Karen Lethlean is a trying to be retired English teacher at a Senior College. Ever Present Predator is being published by Pareidolia Volume 2 Wanderkammer as part of their memoir section. She has won awards for her writing, Bum Joke was awarded a comedy writing award. She is currently writing of military services 1972-76. In another life she is a triathlete and has competed at Hawaii Ironman world championships twice.Author: Kristine Fitzgerald Title: Lost and Found Kristine Fitzgerald - Lost and Found It is a fictional short story titled Lost and Found. I am a university lecturer and I have previously self-published two books called White Space and The Ring of Toadstools. In my view, caves are a place of peace, quiet and contemplation. In this story a cave holds the secret to a family's history and new relationships are formed as a result. Thank you.Author: Leah Miller Title: A Karst Of Shadows Leah Miller - A Karst Of Shadows I've always had a love for geology and this led me to study environmental earth science and geology at university. But really, what inspired my work was my love for what these landscapes and geological formations hide deep within them. They are worlds within worlds, hiding secrets that are just waiting for us to discover them. They are places where our history is stored, preserved and excavated.
Some of the most important experiences that have always stuck with me have been the visit to different cave systems, like Jenolan Caves, Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Wellington Caves. In particular the glow worms of Waitomo inspired the central 'light' within my story, illuminating the underground world where many animals remain where they had fallen. But it is really Wellington caves, with its rich fossil history, that prompted me to write about one of these animals and what happens after they've died. How do their spirits experience after falling down a sinkhole into this underground world of strange mysteries and the unknown.
In all honesty, it is a wide combination of so many parts of this landscape and unknown world that makes me wonder and dream about all the experiences we might never know about, the stories of these animals and the people who once, long ago painted them upon cave walls. Sometimes it is those paintings that are the only record we have of these people and animals. I once visited an exhibition of the Cave of Lascaux with a full scale replica of it that you could walk through and it stuck with me. It stuck with me that we will never know the names of the people who painted them, know who they were or how they felt when they did, but the one thing we can name is the animals they depict. We can, after thousands of years, return their names to them because of the research and skills of scientists and explorers today.
Caves and karst landscapes are some of the most mysterious and fascinating of places because of the stories they tell us, past, present and future.Author: Lillyan Scanlan Title: The Enchanted Cave Mob Disaster Lillyan Scanlan - The Enchanted Cave Mob Disaster Well I thought because it was an Australasia competition I could do a mix with Australian animals and caves. Then I thought who should be the main character. I thought about what my favourite Australian animal is and it is a kangaroo so my main character was a kangaroo. For a problem I looked up what are kangaroos predators one of them was a dingo so I thought a playful dingo cub. That is how I thought of the problem. Finally for the story title I thought of what is the name of a group of kangaroos. It is a mob and it was kind of a disaster with the mob so 'the enchanted cave mob disaster'Author: Tanishka Ramesh Title: Alive Tanishka Ramesh - Alive Author: Serena Benjamin Title: The Hunting of Depth in the Dark Serena Benjamin - The Hunting of Depth in the Dark Author: Sharon Han Title: Mirror, mirror on the wall Sharon Han - Mirror, mirror on the wall I really love caves and karst. So when I saw this comp, I REALLY wanted to enter. I asked my mother and she allowed me so I did caves and karst both inspired me.Author: Danielle Ní Chróinín Title: Genesis Danielle Ní Chróinín - Genesis Whenever I have encountered karst landscapes- Jenolan Caves, Mole Creek, the Burren in Ireland - I have been fascinated not just by the current majesty and intricacy of the rock, but also by the story behind its development- and the journey yet to come.
This poem was inspired by the thought of a single raindrop's adventure as it drops to earth and play its role in the slow, steady birth of karst. I wanted to acknowledge the tiny drop's individual path, but also reference the force of many watery molecules forging a way en masse. I read it to my little girls, and explained the concept to them- that the rain and rivers and streams can shape the rock and they were spellbound.
Author: Owen Ray Title: Untitled Owen Ray - Untitled Author: David Jones Title: THE DELVE David Jones - THE DELVE Author: Linda Carter Title: Across the Nullarbor From Karst to Caves Linda Carter - Across the Nullarbor From Karst to Caves Author: Mary Trayes Title: Cave Images Mary Trayes - Cave Images Author: Ngaire North Title: Stars for the Lost and Lonely Ngaire North - Stars for the Lost and Lonely I was in a cave next to a Moa skeleton and I thought, man, this is deep. I've always been fascinated by Tomo and fossils, imagining the last moments of these ancient creatures. Whenever I go into a cave, I always make sure to turn out my light and just sit in this unnaturally complete darkness. This story came from this, from imagining a conversation I might have with the fossils if we met across time, what those bones could tell me. Ultimately, it comes from my love of the end of a caving trip, when everything is made twice as bright by contrast and the surface world welcomes me home..