Engelbrecht Caves

OVERVIEW : It has been known since pioneer days. It was developed for tourists by Lifeline & service clubs as a source of charity income, and is manned by volunteers. Its Main Chamber was opened 1986, and its West Chamber opened 1991. The cave is easily accessible water filled cave, developed with paths and hand rails, and electrically-lit. It features multi-coloured walls, and a beautiful lake. The cave is used frequently by cave divers.
LOCATION : Englebrecht Cave is located in central Mt. Gambier (South-east of South Australia), next to Princes Highway.
ACCOMMODATION : On-site: An excellent Visitor's Interpretive Centre, BBQs, and picnic areas. Many motels, hotels & caravan parks are located in the City of Mt. Gambier
CAVE TOURS : Englebrecht Cave is open daily (except Christmas Day). Tours times are 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, and 1.30pm. These hours are extended over the summer months.
Thirza Kemp - Cave Manager
PO BOX 2959 Mount Gambier. 5290
Telephone: (08) 8725 5493 (cave), MB: (08) 0418 133 407.
email: tabrkemp@hotmail.com