Figures 1&2

Figure 1

Figure 2
Key to Figure 2
- OPEN ACCESS: Well known and developed for 'uncontrolled' public use (signs, boardwalks, barriers, etc)
- OPEN ACCESS: Entrance not known to the general public. Cave well known to and frequently used by cavers (taped/marked route/s)
- TOURIST ACCESS: Cave developed for tourism and operated on guided user pay basis (gated)
- LIMITED ACCESS: Newly discovered passage waiting biological assessment (sign only - taped/marked route/s)
- LIMITED ACCESS: Extensive sensitive area of outstanding aesthetic value (sign only - taped/marked route/s)
- LIMITED ACCESS: Karst area partly above cave supporting at risk plant or animal community, or given limited access classification to protect alternative entrances to limited or restricted access areas of cave
- RESTRICTED ACCESS: Passage containing fragile and vulnerable rare minerals (sign only - taped/marked route/s - ungated)
- RESTRICTED ACCESS: Passage with subfossil deposit containing rare/uncommon species of regional/national significance (gated - taped/marked route/s)
NB: All areas with access restrictions require permit. Access to restricted access passages/areas granted for approved purposes only.