The Society expects that the following code will help to guide the actions of New Zealand Speleological Society Groups, Clubs, and individual members; and promote an ethical approach to caving by other cave users.

Conservation and Protection of Caves:

  1. We will take care to avoid destruction or disfiguration of cave decorations (speleothems), and any other natural feature of caves.
  2. In sensitive areas tracks will be rigidly adhered to, and where applicable route markers followed.
  3. During exploration sensitive areas will be taped off and routes will be marked for fixture use.
  4. We will not disfigure caves by unnecessary markings. Survey marks will be small and inconspicuous and removable.
  5. In areas of clean flowstone floors, muddy clothing or boots will be removed.
  6. We will not leave rubbish in caves; our own or other people's. Flash-bulbs, batteries, wrappings, and other refuse must be carried out of the cave.
  7. We will carry spent carbide out of the cave and whenever possible encourage the use of battery operated lights.
  8. We will where practicable discourage camping in caves.
  9. Under usual circumstances we will discourage the practice of urinating or leaving faeces in caves.
  10. Where there is no alternative to underground camps faeces where practical will be removed from the cave.
  11. When carrying out water tracing experiments in karst areas only those trace agents which present no danger to the cave, flora or fauna will be used.
  12. We will ensure that water supplies are not adversely affected by tracing agents, and before carrying out experiments we will obtain water rights from the applicable catchment authority.
  13. We will not construct a gate or barrier in a cave without first obtaining approval of Council, and the landowner or administering authority.
  14. We will not construct a gate in a cave without an accompanying sign explaining the reason for restricting access, and the circumstances under which authorised visits are possible.
  15. We will not interfere with, force, or damage a legitimately erected gate, or barrier.
  16. The use of bolts for rigging in caves should only be made as a last resort.
  17. Under no circumstances will modifications be made to a cave, or cave entrance, other than to gain access. Any modification will conform to ethical guideline number 1.
  18. We will not remove any deposit, speleothem, subfossil remains, flora or fauna, or any other naturally occurring thing from a cave or karst area without first obtaining permission from the administering authority.
  19. Anything removed from a cave or karst area where permission is granted will, where appropriate, be lodged with a recognised museum or scientific organisation.
  20. The classification of caves and karst areas for the purpose of conservation and preservation will be in accordance with the Society's Cave and Karst Management Policy.
  21. We will honour the classification of caves and karst areas determined by government agencies such as the Department of Lands and Survey, and the New Zealand Forest Service.
  22. The Society will consult with government agencies to assist them in preparing classification of caves and karst areas.
  23. We will respect Maori tapu relating to burial caves and will not enter such caves without permission. All human remains, artefacts, and other objects will be left undisturbed. No photographs will be taken without obtaining permission.
  24. When camping in natural areas, or farmland, we shall carefully observe the established Minimum Impact Code and rules of good camping conduct, especially in the lighting of fires and the removal of rubbish. We will bury our faeces when camping.
  25. In order to conserve and protect our cave and karst resource we shall encourage other organisations or groups that use caves to adopt these guidelines.

Cavers and Landowners:

  1. We will seek and confirm specific approval in advance from the owner before entering a cave or crossing private property. On no account will we take access for granted.
  2. We will respect the privacy of landowners.
  3. We will respect restrictions placed on access to caves, for example, during the lambing season.
  4. We will take care to avoid interference with crops or stock, and ensure that all gates are left as found.
  5. We will, where a cave entrance has been blocked by the landowner to prevent injury to stock, reblock the entrance after use; and will liaise with the owner to erect a fence or some other mutually satisfactory means of protecting the entrance.
  6. We will not conduct any substantial dig, or use explosives, on the surface or underground without the permission of the landowner (or administering authority). We will make secure or cover any hole which has occurred as a result.
  7. We will not be accompanied by a dog, or carry a firearm without the prior consent of the landowner (or administering authority).
  8. We will always have available a current Society membership card to produce to the landowner (or administering authority) when necessary.

Public Relations:

  1. We will obtain permission from the managing authority before entering a tourist cave; and will treat guides and other officials courteously.
  2. We will when visiting the area of another group or club co-operate and liaise with that group club.

Publishing Information:

  1. We will be discreet in disseminating information that might endanger caves or karst areas. In particular we should not broadcast the location of entrances or routes.
  2. We will not publish, or draw media attention to scientifically, ecologically, or physically sensitive caves or karst areas without prior consultation with Council.
  3. We will in reporting our work, particularly to the media, avoid and discourage sensationalism, exaggeration and unwarranted statements.
  4. We will, in publishing our work, take particular care to acknowledge other people's contributions to the work involved, either as clubs, groups, or individuals, published work, personal communications, or whatever.

Reference: Ethics of the Australian Speleological Federation, ASF Newsletter No 92, 1981

Ethical Guidelines prepared by Kevan A Wilde (NZSS) and ratified by the Council of the New Zealand Speleological Society at Wellington, 30 March 1985