1. That this conference endorses the efforts of the Western Australian Cave Working Group, and offer their support in future efforts, to ensure that the names of non tourist caves appearing on maps available to the general public are removed.
  2. That this conference charges the Australian Speleological Federation with the job of extending these efforts, outlined in the preceding motion, to maps throughout Australia.
    1. Caves are a scarce resource in Australia relative to other continents. The complex of caves in the Gordon and Franklin Valleys in South-West Tasmania is an irreplaceable part of the Australian Heritage.
    2. The Franklin and Gordon Caves are some of the most important wilderness caves in Australia, and are of outstanding recreational and scientific value.
    3. There are at least 100 caves in the area, many of which have yet to be fully explored. Virtually all of the caves and associated karst would be flooded if the proposed dam proceeds.
    4. The combination of natural and cultural features in the Gordon & Franklin Caves is of considerable international significance.
    5. At least nine of the caves have so far been identified as containing evidence of the pre-historic Aboriginal occupation of the area. The archaeological sites in Fraser Cave and almost certainly those in others are vital in understanding climatic change and Aboriginal pre-history in Australia.
    6. The importance of the natural and cultural resources has already been recognised by listing of the Gordon-Franklin area in the Register of the National Estate and under the World Heritage Convention.

    This conference, the members of which are professionals working in the field of Land Management:

    1. Expresses congratulations to the Prime Minister for the stand which the Federal Government has taken in respect to the Franklin River Dispute, and
    2. Expresses to the Premier of Tasmania their deep concern at his governments position, and urges the importance of a more forward-looking policy.
  4. That the members of this conference, having viewed the Lilly-Pilly Cave at Murrindal and being agreed upon its resource value, support the Department of Crown Lands and Survey in the development of this cave, initially as an adventure tour cave.
  5. That the offer of the Tourist Hotel Corporation to host the 1985 Conference at Waitomo, N.Z. be accepted.
  6. That the thanks of all present are expressed to all those responsible for the very pleasant, informative and well-organised conference.