Figures 1&2

from General policy and guidelines for cave and karst management in areas managed by the Department of Conservation

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2

Key to Figure 2

  1. OPEN ACCESS: Well known and developed for 'uncontrolled' public use (signs, boardwalks, barriers, etc)
  2. OPEN ACCESS: Entrance not known to the general public. Cave well known to and frequently used by cavers (taped/marked route/s)
  3. TOURIST ACCESS: Cave developed for tourism and operated on guided user pay basis (gated)
  4. LIMITED ACCESS: Newly discovered passage waiting biological assessment (sign only - taped/marked route/s)
  5. LIMITED ACCESS: Extensive sensitive area of outstanding aesthetic value (sign only - taped/marked route/s)
  6. LIMITED ACCESS: Karst area partly above cave supporting at risk plant or animal community, or given limited access classification to protect alternative entrances to limited or restricted access areas of cave
  7. RESTRICTED ACCESS: Passage containing fragile and vulnerable rare minerals (sign only - taped/marked route/s - ungated)
  8. RESTRICTED ACCESS: Passage with subfossil deposit containing rare/uncommon species of regional/national significance (gated - taped/marked route/s)

NB: All areas with access restrictions require permit. Access to restricted access passages/areas granted for approved purposes only.